2 Live EIIS Investment Opportunities for Irish Investors

2 Live EIIS Investment Opportunities for Irish Investors in exciting Irish Start-ups


Would you like to invest in a high-growth Irish company in which TWO leading Irish Venture Capital firms are also investing?  If so, you may be interested in finding out more about ClarityCX1, which is one of 2 campaigns open for investment on this platform.  


Irish investors can access 2 live investment opportunities in Irish start-ups on the Spark Crowdfunding platform.  Click here to view these investment opportunities: https://www.sparkcrowdfunding.com/  


Each of these carefully selected investment opportunities qualify for a 40% tax refund via the EIIS scheme designed to encourage investment in Irish early-stage ventures.  This means that a €1,000 investment only costs €600 as the investor can reclaim €400 in the form of a tax refund.  


Furthermore, investors pay No Commission when investing in companies on the Spark Crowdfunding platform.  The minimum investment size is just €100.  


Further information about these live investment opportunities may be found here:


ClarityCX1: https://www.sparkcrowdfunding.com/campaign/claritycx1  

ClarityCX1 is a Customer Relations Management (CRM) software business that is targeting the Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences industries.  Led by Chris Deren, who has 30+ years in this industry, the company has managed to secure investment from two leading Venture Capital firms in Dublin as part of this fundraising round.  It is also hoping to secure a sizeable investment from Enterprise Ireland at this time.  To view the campaign video and learn more about this investment opportunity, please click here.  


Please note that only registered investors of Spark Crowdfunding may view the full details of the campaign, but it takes less than two minutes to join Spark Crowdfunding and it’s free, with no obligation to invest.   Click here to join Spark Crowdfunding: https://www.sparkcrowdfunding.com/register  


RedZinc: https://www.sparkcrowdfunding.com/campaign/redzinc

RedZinc’s cloud-based proprietary technology enables healthcare professionals to conduct real-time video consultations on secure next generation networks.  European grants of more than €2 million have helped RedZinc invest in product development and market research.  The company has some excellent reference clients and is already generating annual revenues of more than €300,000.  To view the campaign video and learn more about this investment opportunity, please click here.  


Please note that only registered investors of Spark Crowdfunding may view the full details of the campaign, but it takes less than two minutes to join Spark Crowdfunding and it’s free, with no obligation to invest.   Click here to join Spark Crowdfunding: https://www.sparkcrowdfunding.com/register